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Michigan Child Health Insurance Program

Michigan > Michigan Child Health Insurance Program


Program Description:

MIChild is a health care program administered by the Department of Community Health. It is for the low income uninsured children of Michigan's working families. MIChild has a higher income limit than Healthy Kids. There is only an income test. Like Healthy Kids, MIChild is for children who are under age 19. There is a $10 per family monthly premium for MIChild. The $10 monthly premium is for all of the children in one family. The child must be enrolled in a MIChild health and dental plan in order to receive services. Beneficiaries receive a comprehensive package of health care benefits including vision, dental, and mental health services.


General Program Requirements:

In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be a resident of the State of Michigan, under 19 years of age, not covered by health insurance (including Medicaid), a U.S. national, citizen, legal alien, or permanent resident, and you must have an annual household income before taxes of less than $29,140 if two people live in the household; $36,620 if three people live in the household; $44,100 if four people live in the household; $51,580 if five people live in the household; $59,060 if six people live in the household; $66,540 if seven people live in the household; $74,020 if eight people live in the household; and $81,500 if more than eight people live in the household. For larger households, add $7,480 for each additional person in the home. Depending on your income level, you may have to pay a premium for coverage. Please see this state's program information for details.





Loan Terms:

Not Applicable


Application Process:

Apply online by visiting https://healthcare4mi.com/michild-web/ or download an application by visiting:

Once completed, mail the application and any requested supporting documents to the address listed on the last page of the application.

Applications are also available from most community human services agencies or by calling 1-888-988-6300.


Program Contact Information:

For more information, visit:


Managing Agency:


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