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Iowa Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)

Iowa > Iowa Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)


Program Description:

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is designed to assist low-income families meet the cost of home heating. Applications are accepted on a first come/first served basis at your local Community Action Agency from November through April (October for households with an elderly/disabled member), Monday through Friday, or as posted at the local Outreach/Community Action Agency office. The LIHEAP application also serves as an application for the Weatherization Assistance Program.


General Program Requirements:

In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be a resident of the State of Iowa, you must need financial assistance for home energy costs and your household's annual income before taxes must not exceed $16,245 if one person lives in the household; $21,855 if two people live in the household; $27,465 if three people live in the household; $33,075 if four people live in the household; $38,685 if five people live in the household; $44,295 if six people live in the household; $49,905 if seven people live in the household; $55,515 if eight people live in the household; and $61,125 if more than eight people live in the household. For larger households, add $5,610 for each additional person in the home.





Loan Terms:

Not Applicable


Application Process:

There are 18 Community Action Agencies (CAA) throughout the state that have offices in each of Iowa's 99 counties. You will need to contact your local CAA county office regarding application for Weatherization Program services:


Program Contact Information:

For more information about this program, please visit:


Managing Agency:


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