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Colorado Benefit Programs

The followings are listings for Colorado Benefit Programs. Detailed information of Program Description, Program Requirements, Application Process, Program Contact Information and Agency managing the Program are listed in the listing. Click on each listing to learn more about how to apply for these government benefits.

Item 1 to 10 of 12 Programs

Colorado Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) Colorado Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)

Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) is a low-cost health insurance program for uninsured Colorado children ages 18 and under whose families earn or own too much to qualify for Medicaid but cannot afford private insurance. CHP+ encourages preventive and...read more

Colorado Energy $aving Partners Colorado Energy $aving Partners

In Colorado, the Energy $aving Partners (E$P) program weatherizes more than 3,200 homes every year. These households save an average of 20 percent on their monthly heating bills after the weatherization work is completed. The dollar savings alone...read more

Colorado Food Assistance Program Colorado Food Assistance Program

The Colorado Food Assistance Program assists low-income individuals and families who need assistance purchasing food. Individuals and families should apply for food stamp benefits at their local county department of social services. The program is...read more

Colorado Head Start Colorado Head Start

The Head Start Program was developed in 1965 to help break the cycle of poverty by providing preschool children of low-income families with a comprehensive program to meet their emotional, social, health, nutritional, and psychological needs.Current...read more

Colorado Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Colorado Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

LEAP is a Federally funded program administered by the Colorado Department of Human Services. Energy Outreach Colorado (EOC) also provides some of the funding for LEAP. LEAP is designed to help with your winter heating costs. LEAP is not intended to...read more



Colorado Medicaid Colorado Medicaid

Medicaid is a program that pays for health insurance for some Coloradans who can not afford it. When state and Federal eligibility criteria are met, Medicaid covers families with children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities....read more

Colorado School Breakfast and Lunch Program Colorado School Breakfast and Lunch Program

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is the oldest and largest of the Child Nutrition Programs, celebrating 50 years in 1996. It is a Federally assisted meal program that provides balanced, low-cost or free lunches to thousands of children in...read more

Colorado Special Milk Program Colorado Special Milk Program

The Colorado Special Milk Program provides milk to children in schools, child care institutions, and eligible camps that do not participate in other Federal child nutrition meal service programs. The program reimburses schools for the milk they...read more

Colorado Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Colorado Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

The WIC Program provides supplemental foods, nutrition education and referrals to health care, at no cost, to low-income pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are determined to be at nutritional risk. To...read more

Colorado Summer Food Service Colorado Summer Food Service

Just as learning does not end when school lets out, neither does the need for good nutrition. Children who aren't hungry learn better, act better and feel better. The Colorado Summer Food Service Program helps children get the nutrition they need...read more

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