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Arizona Summer Food Service

Arizona > Arizona Summer Food Service


Program Description:

While learning does not end when school lets out, neither does the need for good nutrition. The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) was created to ensure that children in low-income areas could continue to receive nutritious meals during long school vacations (i.e. school intercessions and summer vacation), when they do not have access to school breakfast or lunch. Without the help of the SFSP, many children are hungry and undernourished when school is not in session.

SFSP is Federally funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and administered by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE). Sponsors of SFSP must sign an agreement with ADE in order to run the program. The SFSP reimburses approved sponsors for serving meals that meet Federal nutritional guidelines. Sponsors receive payments based on the number of meals they serve. All meals are served free to eligible children.


General Program Requirements:

In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be a resident of the State of Arizona, your household's annual income before taxes must not exceed $20,036 if one person lives in the household;$26,955 if two people live in the household; $33,874 if three people live in the household; $40,793 if four people live in the household; $47,712 if five people live in the household; $54,631 if six people live in the household; $61,550 if seven people live in the household; and $68,469 if eight people live in the household. For larger households, add $6,919 for each additional person in the home.





Loan Terms:

Not Applicable


Application Process:

To apply for the Summer Food Service program, contact the site nearest you:


Program Contact Information:

To learn more about the Arizona SFSP, please visit:

You can also call (602) 542-8703 to ask about Arizona SFSP.


Managing Agency:

Managing AgencyArizona

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